What happened this term!!!
This term we had a lot of things going on
and my success was getting a certificate.
here is a photo of me getting a certificate!!!
Also garden to table it was very fun we got to be in the garden in one week and the kitchen
one week. We did it on wensday it was out last week this week.
this term has been great!!!!!
HI COCO, My name is Milo from room 25. I really liked this post because you told me what you did. I remember doing a post like this last year I think. Maybe next time you could write a little more information. Also for your title you could of switched 'my post for toda' with'What I did in Term 2 holidays!' If you add an exclamation mark, then people with think that it is a more exciting post. Anyways, thank you for sharing your blog, Blog you later! Milo