Thursday 20 May 2021

separate toolkit post

 The other toolkit that I did was Shortcuts on chrome the things that didn't about was ctrl N opens a new window, ctrl w deletes your tab and search l . bye!!!!!


 Today we had other school's come to my school. here are some photos about what I did.

                                                            Here is my webcam toy.

                          Here is my word art.I did one more and I will do a separate post about the other one

Wednesday 19 May 2021

What's on my blog or your blog

 Your blog might be a bit different as it may have been set up differently. What did you learn?🌼🌼🌼

Here is the video!!!🖱️🖱️

Wednesday 12 May 2021

What we share

Today we had Phil and had to chose 1 activity Me and my best friend Mila made this google drawing about what we share. This is what we think is imported that what you can and what you can't know about people.


Friday 7 May 2021

Why is it so important that we celebrate Anzac day?

 This week we read a book called Jim's Letters and I learned that if those people didn't fight Germany would of taking over 

Here is a word art that I made about anzac day 



Wednesday 5 May 2021

The 24 hour footprint challenge

 Today we had Phill and we had to choose between two things I choose word art and this is what it looks like.